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Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH

Family Office | Single Office | Vermögensverwalter Gründungsjahr 2019

Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH

Königinstrasse 107, D-80802 München

Telefon +49 893891-0


Über das Unternehmen

Munich Re Investment Partners is a climate-driven and impact-focused investment management specialist. We cooperate with the Munich Re Group to design and implement sustainable investment strategies for ourselves and institutional clients globally.

We provide an opportunity for talented minds to work together. You’ll work with international people with backgrounds in finance, trading, data analysis and software development. We are an equal opportunity employer and believe that diversity is a cornerstone for creativity and innovation.


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Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH – BB Jobportal
Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH – BB Jobportal
Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH – BB Jobportal
Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH – BB Jobportal
Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH – BB Jobportal
"We believe in the power of financial and carbon markets to capitalise opportunities arising from climate transition." Michael Brückner, Member of the Board
Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH – BB Jobportal
"Munich Re Investment Partners is a specialized investment boutique that delivers innovative solutions for climate-committed institutional asset owners globally. Our objective is to enable investors to achieve a positive environmental impact, diversify their portfolios, and improve investment outcomes." Dr. Steffen Hörter
Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH – BB Jobportal
Wir freuen uns Sie in unserem Haus begrüßen zu dürfen!
Munich Re Investment Partners GmbH – BB Jobportal
„Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) fördern Innovation und Resilienz und befähigen uns, mutiger und besser zu handeln.“